Cornmeal lime cookies
Si je devais citer quelque chose qui représenterait mon séjour aux Etats-Unis, ce serait ce cornmeal lime cookie. Je l’ai dégusté pour la première fois chez Flour Bakery + Cafe, et je pense l’avoir commandé une bonne centaine de fois depuis … Il est moelleux, et croustillant sur les côtés. La farine de maïs lui donne une texture “wow” et pour couronner le tout, il a un incroyable gout de citron vert, se mariant à la PER-FEC-TION avec un cappuccino. Maintenant, si je n’ai pas un cornmeal lime cookie par jour par semaine, j’ai l’impression d’avoir manqué quelque chose – oui je sais, ce sont les symptômes d’une addiction aigüe.
If I had to pick something to represent my stay in the US, it would be this cornmeal lime cookie. I tasted it for the first time at Flour Bakery + Café and I think I have ordered it about 100 times since then … It is moist and crunchy on the outside. The cornmeal makes the texture of this cookie just “woah” and to top it all, it just got an awesome lime flavor, making it perfect with a cappuccino. Now, if I don’t get a cornmeal lime cookie per day per week, I just feel like I am missing something – yep, those are the symptoms of an acute addiction.
1. Ingrédients :
1. Ingredients:
2. Directions:
- Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, gas 4),
- In a large bowl, combine the lime zest with butter and granulated sugar, then cream the mixture, cover with film and let stand for 10 minutes to release the lime flavor,
- Add the eggs and vanilla extract, beat the batter and make sure to scrape the bowl so that the eggs are thoroughly incorporated,
- In another bowl, stir together flour, cornmeal, baking powder, and salt,
- Slowly add the flour mixture to the butter-sugar mixture, and mix until the dough is evenly mixed,
- Shape the dough into ¼ cup balls onto a baking sheet, covered with baking paper, make sure to space them about 2 inches apart,
Slightly flatten each ball with the palm of your hand. - Bake for 20 minutes, or until the cookies are pale brown on the edge, still pale in the center, and just firm to the touch in the center,
Be careful not to overbake the cookies and let the tops brown, you want to keep this moist texture. - Let cool completely on a wire rack before glazing,
- Make the glaze in a small bowl, whisking together confectioners’ sugar, water, lime juice, and lime zest until smooth,
- Brush the cookies with a thin layer of the glaze, and allow the glaze to set for about 10 minutes before serving or storing in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days.

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Ces cookies sont vraiment appétissants.
Bonne journée !
Et ils n'en ont pas que l'air ! Je les adore ? Merci !
Cooking in June
Ils ont l'ai très chouettes ces cookies. Je n'ai jamais testé le cornmeal en pâtisserie ! Merci pour l'inspiration !
Merci Irène ! À vrai dire je ne connais la farine de mais que dans ces cookies et dans les traditionnels Southern cornmeal muffins ! Et j'adore ça, la texture est vraiment cool 🙂 Bises et bonne journée !